
To see this album, click on the picture and there will be a pop-up window open. You can see all the pictures listed in this album as slide-show, full-screen mode, or by clicking each thumbnails. Your comments are most welcome.


We listen to and understand your requirements, come up with ideas and themes, chart out the event, create the ambience, hire manpower, make bookings and even send invites; we do whatever it takes to make your event special.


We’ve seen, over the years, that creating the right mood can uplift an event ten notches from being downright ‘ordinary’ to pleasantly ‘amazing’. All the departments at Prime Time brainstorm on an idea before we propose our themes and its translation into the event. Actual design samples support the thematic layout so that you know how exactly the décor will look like.


Be it local or in an exotic location elsewhere, for conferences, you can count on us to manage it all, from logistics to hospitality to…well, maybe even packing your bags!! Events may be sought to convey an idea or project a thought. The right ambience goes a long way in achieving the desired output.



Be it local or in an exotic location elsewhere, for conferences, you can count on us to manage it all, from logistics to hospitality to…well, maybe even packing your bags!! Events may be sought to convey an idea or project a thought. The right ambience goes a long way in achieving the desired output.






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